The motorized and manual gripper from viZaar can be used as a single tool, but also in combination onto and inside the workingchannel of the VUCAM, VUMAN & VUFLEX or ontop of the camera systems SNK and Revolver 80.
The large portfolio consists the follow items:
- The motorized GR8 has grabbers with a diameter of 8.4mm combined with a single pushcable of 4.5mm. Working lengths of 10, 15, 20 and 30 meter
- The motorized GR16 has grabbers with a diameter of 16mm and makes use of the connectable push rods of 10mm (connector diameter). Working lengths of 15 and 30 meter but custom lengths available on request
- Small diameter (1.65mm to 6.0mm) manual grabber with a choice of grabbers like the aligator, three finger, rat tooth, foreign body retriever and three prong grabber. With standard lenghts available from 3.3 meter upto 9 meter.
- Large diameter (19mm en 22mm) manual grabbers with a choice of the aligator and three finger grabbers for all the very heavy stuff
Click here for a very extensive overview in the viZaar the grabber catalog
Or click here for the latest brochure of the viZaar grabbers
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