Underwaterdrones of Blueye Robotics.
These underwaterdrone or also called mini ROV’s are available in 3 different series all with a great variety of options.
Blueye Robotics starts with the introduction model Blueye Pioneer and the midclass Blueye Pro. The recently introduced Blueye X3 comes with the option to add external pherifirals by using its 3 guestports. On the guestport sonar, grippers, positioning sensors, external camera, external lights, wall thickness measurement and all kind of underwater sensors can be connected and the majority can be controlled via the App based user interface.
Blueye accessories
Blueye accessories
Blueye accessories
Blueye accessories
Blueye accessories
Blueye accessories
Blueye accessories
Blueye accessories
Blueye accessories
Blueye accessories